Shoshin Nenbutsuge (正信念仏偈)

Shoshin Nenbutsuge' is a Gemon (poetic writing in Buddhism, usually honoring its principles and Buddha) included at the end of 'Gyo no maki' in "Ken jodo shinjitsu kyogyosho monrui" (Selected passages revealing the true teaching, practice and attainment of the Pure Land), written by Shinran. It is commonly known as 'Shoshinge,' which is an abbreviated name. It is fundamental doctrine and principles arranged into Gemon with 60 lines and 120 phrases.

Along with "Sanjo-wasan," which was also written by Shinran, it was established by Rennyo, the eighth chief priest of Hongan-ji Temple, to be read in the morning and evening as a devotional exercise for priests and common people, as is still done in the present day.


It consists of two major parts. The first half, which follows two phrases of 'Sosan,' is called 'Ekyodan' and states that the direct reason to be sent to the Pure Land is by people's faith; and that nenbutsu (Buddhist invocation) is Hoongyo (act for repayment of kindness), which is defined based on "Muryoju-kyo Bussetsu Muryoju-kyo Sutra," and praises it. The latter half, called 'Eshakudan,' praises seven high priests of India, China, and Japan who properly propagated the teaching mentioned above.

Kamon (to break a sutra or treatise down into small sections for exegesis and analysis)

Sosan' - 'Kimyomuryojunyorai Namufukashigiko'


Amida Nyorai Sho' - 'Hozobosatsuiniji - Hisshimetsudoganjoju'

Shaka Sho' - 'Nyoraishoikoshusse - 是人名分陀利華'

結誡' - 'Midabuhongannenbu - Nanchushinanmukashi'


Sosan' - 'Indosaitenshironge - Myonyoraihonzeioki'

Ryuju Sho' - 'Shakanyorairyogasen - Ohodaihiguzeion'

Seshin Sho' - 'Tenjinbosatsuzoronsetsu - Nyushojionjioge'

Donran Sho' - 'Honshidonranryoten - Shoushujokaifuke'

Doshaku Sho' - 'Doshakukesshodonansho - Shiannyogaishomyoka'

Zendo Sho' - 'Zendodokumyobutsushoi - Sokushohosshoshijoraku'

Genshin (priest) Sho' - 'Genshinkokaiichidaikyo - Daihimukenjoshoga'

Honen Sho' - 'Honshigenkumyobukkyo - Hicchishinjininony'

結誡' - 'Gukyodaijishushito - Kuyuikashinshikososetsu'

[Original Japanese]